With all the "talk" and issues (or lack there of) being run up the presidential primary flag pole, by both parties and candidates, and the relative doomsday predictions coming out of the possible election of either leader, we in the Administrative State, must maintain focus. The function of the public administration is to be the action arm of the legislative and executive branches of government. Ok, so I didn't mention the judicial, but that is another argument for another day.
We must keep our sights on the functions we serve, not the politics, especially partisan politics, of the process of selecting our leaders.
PA is first and foremost about service. Sure, we have to play "politics," but we do not try to direct election outcomes -- we deal and cope with them.
Our jobs are to get the job done regardless who wins an election at the national, state or local level.
The American political system, while one of the youngest major democracies on the planet, is one of the most solid, stable, functional and responsive political and public administrative systems that exists. That is not to say that we will continue down that path, but my money is on the system that was set up and evolved from some very smart people -- those who have come before us in developing the Administrative State (and political systems).
I hope you feel free to join in on the blog discussion. Let those of us who serve and steer, and yes, sometimes row, know what your opinions and inputs are on this topic.
Dr. Cox
Asst. Professor
Director, MPA Program
Tarleton State University
P.S.: By the way, invite people to join our blog and get involved. Our blog is not closed loop -- we want and we encourage everyone to jump in and participate.
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