Hello, Tarleton MPA Nation and all our Blog Readers:
I hope you all had a great, yet challenging, fall 2017.
The MPA program grew even more for spring 2018, and beyond, with four (4) of our students graduating, but almost 20 new students were admitted.
That is awesome.
Thank you all for putting the word out about our MPA program. Our reputation is growing and the demand is growing with it. In our new cadre of students we have several international students as well. Welcome.
By now, I hope you have all registered for spring 2018 courses. Or, you're thinking about joining our program. :)
We have full line up scheduled for spring, summer and fall 2018. If you're interested in joining the MPA nation at Tarleton, just let me know and I will be happy to visit with you about our program and applying for admission to TSU.
Great times ahead.
On behalf of Dr. Jackie Abernathy, our adjunct professors and I, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a very Happy, safe and prosperous New Year!
Dr. G. M. Cox
Director, MPA Program
(817) 484-4395